Ed Levin Park

mural for Ed Levin Park in Santa Clara, CA
Ed Levin Park

Thanks to the California Arts Council we have collaborated with many organizations to work with kids and paint murals.

We not only paint and help places look beautiful, but we teach and inspire children to paint and be creative.

We also talk about how to start a business, as well as discuss all the positive aspects of becoming a successful artist. Colors for Kids worked with CP Mentoring to paint at Ed Levin Park in Santa Clara, CA.

Mural for Ed Levin Park in Santa Clara, CA
Ed Levin Park
Mural for Ed Levin Park in Santa Clara, CA
Ed Levin Park

Colors for Kids can create a community experience.
If your community would like a wall painted by friends and families in your area,
let’s talk about how we can get involved. 
Email hayley(at)colorsforkids.art